Sites & Agencies

There are numerous tools, sites and agencies that can help you find a private property for your NH vacation. Most are quite reputable and professional.

Most of the properties listed will either be private homes, cabins or cottages, or even more upscale lodging. Many of them will have knick nacks or small decorations and therefore many not be suitable for families with overactive children.

The upside of these rentals is that they are often a 'cut above', somewhat more private, and in a greater selection of areas. The downside is that there is not usually someone on site if something goes wrong, and costs are usually MUCH greater.

We always recommend that you investigate the properties listed on our pages first, but if their location, availability or quality is unworkable, feel free to consult any of the vendors listed to the right.

Caution: Because you are dealing with private owners, conditions, amenities, etc., vary widely. Please be sure to ask questions and understand the rental rules. Also, make it a point to discover their cancellation policy in case an illness or other event requires a change of plans.


Your $229 will purchase this spot for an entire year. Why not leverage our traffic for your attraction, dining or lodging web site.

Limited Availability.     Call 603.491.4340.


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NH Cabins & Cottages